Bashhub will change your life!

What if you are in a directory in your computer and you want to know all the commands you have typed in that directory? What if you wanted to access that long command which you typed on to your computer around 4 months ago which fixed your problems? What if you want to search the commands you typed in your home pc whlie you are working on your work laptop?

Well, if all this rings a bell then bashhub is what you are looking for. I have been using bashhub for more than 5 months now. It’s an amazing tool. It ships all the commands you type (of course you can blacklist things)  to cloud and stores it there so that in case if you want it in future it’s there for you. The beauty is that it ships commands across multiple devices with useful metadata like directory name, exit status, etc.

I have been using bashhub for about 5 months now.  I stumbled across it while I was browsing through awesome page of bash. How has it helped me? Well I can easily say that it has saved hours of time for me. For example, yesterday I wanted to see what was the program running on my port 80, well I remember I did this around a month ago using netstat but I don’t remember the exact flags I used. Well the options are that I should either go to google, spend some good 1-5 mins finding out a good solution and use it or with bashhub I can simply do “bh netstat”.

╭─viky@ubuntu-512mb-blr1-01 ~ 
╰─$ bh netstat 1 ↵
netstat -nr
netstat -nr | grep 17
netstat -nr | grep 172.17
netstat -nr | grep 172.16
sudo netstat -plunt | grep 6379
sudo netstat -plunt | grep 8080
sudo netstat -nulp | grep 53
sudo netstat
sudo netstat -nulp | grep 5789
sudo netstat -nulp | grep 5780
sudo netstat -nltp | grep 2181
sudo netstat -nultp | grep 2181
sudo netstat -tnlp | grep 2181
bh netstat
bh -i netstat
netstat -L
bh -t netstat
sudo netstat -nulp | grep 80
sudo netstat -plunt | grep 80

Well this gives me all the netstat commands I have used and bam “sudo netstat -plunt | grep 80” is what I was looking for, thankyou bashhub.

I can give you numerous examples of this but you get the point right?  Try out bashhub, I’m sure you’ll love it.

